1) Used in references to the clothiers’ tenter frames, with emphasis on the measurement.
1599 John Tottie ... clothier ... did alter the assize of his Tentor and made the chase therof bigger than was agreed, Wakefield
1648 there is great complaint of the abuse of clothyers in making tenters of greater chase than by the statute is limited, West Riding
1758-62 your spindle to have chase ˝ inch or ˝ quarter of an inch, Wakefield. Perhaps used more generally of any wooden framework: 1726 one chase bed, Soyland. Alternatively this might be for ‘chafe’ bed.
2) To emboss or engrave metal in relief.
1429 unum ciphum argenti altum et coopertum pounsed et chased, Egton
1431 unum ciphum argenti coopertum chasedd, Arncliffe
1481 et unum craterem cum coop. vocato j chased pece, Helmsley.