
1) Used of an ox with green or young horns, noted <i>c</i>.1460 in the Towneley Mysteries (OED). It was later not uncommon as a name for cows and heifers.

1533 ij stottes one callid grenehorne and the other blakman, Featherstone

1576 A cowe called Grenhorne, Leeds

1591 one whye called Grene Horne, Hampsthwaite. It was part of the farmer’s vocabulary: 1631 to Thomas Umpleby one green hornd cow, Hampsthwaite

1685 Greener haurned why was Buld October the 16, Conistone. Henry Best wrote in 1642 If the tuppe bee either close tuppe or Riggon tuppe yow may ... knowe him by the bignesse and greenesse of his hornes, Elmswell. Note: 1434 her gown of sadbukeshorn grene, York.

dates 1533 1576 1591 1631 1642 1685

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