1) An alternative spelling of heck.
1396-7 Et dat. pro emendacione de le hak ecclesić Rypon 5d
1561 the rest have been made for stables, and the hakks and mangers are gone, Howden
1570 the horse bay hacke and manger, Spaldington.
2) A tool for breaking clods or chopping up roots and the like.
1400 et omnes lez hakkys, pykkys, spadis, Haltemprice
1421 Pro ij hakkes de ferro emptis ... pro mundacione dictć quarerć, York
1563-4 the same grounde was digged up with hackes and spades after it was plewed, Rawdon
1588 one axe, one hatchett, one hack, two little wedges, one gavelock, one parcer, one wymble, Dalton. Examples of the verb occur less commonly: 1571-2 did cut and hacke away certane pipes of leade, Ripon
1783 I and 3 men Hacked, Ovenden. Note: 1422 Pro j fraxino empta pro haxshafftes, 14d, York.