1) A wooden, turret-like erection on the roof of a major building, with lateral openings for ventilation and the passage of smoke.
1358 Item in loveres, vs, York
1404 In cordis emptis pro louers, 10d, York
1504-5 all dorez, wyndowez, glase … lovers and almaner thing long to every house, York
1538 there is a kychyn of the olde fasshyon with ane upright roofe after the fasshyon of a louer, Esholt. The slats of such louvres were operated by cords or strings: 1368 et loverstrenges emptis vjd, York
1522-3 for a cord to a loffer jd, York. In York, the ordinances of the tilers and wrights referred in 1428 to the making of draghtlouers: this may have meant louvres which could be opened and shut or louvres which simply provided ventilation.