
1) A structure attached to a larger building, often with a sloping roof, a lean-to.

1450 In Clx thakbord’ emptis ... pro j pentyce ibidem inde faciendo vijs, York

1464-5 ‘making lez pentessez in le Chirchelane’, Hull

1550 I give ... for the making of a pentice or a covering rounde aboute the crosse in the market plaice ... substanciall and stronge with tymber and tyell vjli xiijs iiijd, Newark. Popular etymology was responsible for the modern spelling ‘penthouse’: 1714 an incroachment in the street before the Swan Tavern, 15 yds long and 2 foot in breadth, and a penthouse along the said front, Leeds.

spellings pentis
dates 1450 1464-1465 1550 1714

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