summer games

1) This referred to a festival held at Midsummer with dancing and dramatic performances, often associated with a light kept burning in the parish church.

1464 lumini vocato Somer-game light iij buz. brasei ordei, Kirk Deighton

1496 lez Somergame in Capella de Kirkham

1519 To the Somer-game light in my parishe chirche ijs, York

1569 admonishe youe to be ... cercumspecte what lycences yow geyve to persones to kepe common somer games for we here of some great abuses therein, York. It is likely that the celebrations took place in a traditional location: 1605 ‘abutting towards the east on le Somergames’, Swine. The word ‘summer’ can probably be taken to refer to summer-games in certain contexts: 1469 ad orreum quo ludus tentus fuit vulgariter dictum Somerhouse, Wistow

1571 the minister and churchewardens shall not suffer any lords of misrule or somer lords or ladyes or any disguised persone ... at May games or any minstrels morice dauncers or others at Rishebearinges, Diocese of York. Possibly also: 1462 j almery in the somerhall, Wawne.

dates 1462 1464 1469 1496 1519 1569 1571 1605

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