1) A tank or reservoir; a large vessel or container for holding liquids, often made of lead.
1430 unam sisternam plumbeam, unum brewlede, Ripon
1461 a cesterne, the ledes with other brewing vessel, Mirfield
1481 De j sestryn xvjs viijd, York
1533 a cisterne of leede, Wilberfoss
1600 Of a Sestron of Lead wich sometimes stood att the kittchinge door & a pype of Lead by wich water was conuayed to the sestron, Settrington. In tanyards, they held the water or the liquor in which hides were steeped: 1532 with also seisterns, fattes, towbes and all odre vessels to the seid barkhouse belonging for tannyng, Fountains Abbey
1627-8 all the tubbes and seasterans in the tanhouse, Bilton. In the inventory of William Moxon, tanner, in 1693, were eight cistrons of leather valued at Ł180, Selby. Richard Cholmeley of Brandsby wrote in his memorandum book: 1612 Ceastrons make [sic] of bricke or stone and playstered within will hould water well.