1) An instrument of punishment, formerly in use for scolds, disorderly or shrewish women.
It consisted of a chair in which the offender was secured before being ducked in a pond or river: 1579 that the pillory stockes gibbet and cowkeinstolle be well made, Wakefield
1634 Fine 3s 4d. pro defect’ Tumbrell et abaco, anglice a cucking stoole, Honley
1690 Also that the inhabitants of the Towne of Huddersfield doe make a sufficient Pillory and Cucking stoole. Sowerby constables’ accounts have details relating to its construction: 1686 Gave for one pole to be a couking stoole 1s 6d
It. for leading itt from Bank Top Wood 1s 6d
It. Payd for other wood to be a chare and piles to fasten itt into the earth 11d
It. Payd for making itt 2s 6d
Payd for iron work 3s 0d.