
1) This was an entrance, a point of entry, but the precise meaning depends in each case on the context. It could be an access route between two places.

1538 a little entrye goynge oute of the cloyster into the orchard, Esholt, but when the reference was to a house it was sometimes the entrance porch or entrance-hall, as in 1643 when Samuel Thorpe bequeathed to his wife one parlor, three chambers, one kitchinge ... situate on the east side of the entre of Hopton Hall. Such entries could themselves have more than one storey and be furnished: 1528 In the entree j forme and j olde bourde, York. In 1533, Thomas Sayvell of Copley bequeathed to his son two arkes ... in the outhouse in the entreside and a pair of bedstocks in the entre chamber

in 1689, a house in Longwood had in the entry ... 2 ould chistes. It was also the word used for a narrow way that gave access to a house: 1737 went up a passage or entry ... to John Willson’s of Barnsley with an intent to enter into the shop and take some brass. This approaches the later use of the word when the entry was a passage in a terrace which gave all the residents access to their dwellings.

dates 1528 1533 1538 1643 1689 1737

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