1) A hurdle, often made of wattles.
The OED headword is ‘flake’ but ‘fleke’ and its alternatives are the usual Yorkshire spellings: 1360 pro flekes emptis pro skaffald, York
1456-7 pro ij flekes emptis de Ric. Pott, xd, Fountains Abbey
1628 certeyne skeps and [sic] old fleake and a henkall, Pudsey. They were regularly used as temporary gates and fences: 1678 We lay in payne that James Greeneald sett two stoopes … at the top stile … and do keepe theire a yate or fleicke duringe the time that the corne is leading out of the upper field, Kirkheaton
1684 making of gates and fleakes, Tong. Such hurdles were evidently of a regular size, for the word was sometimes used as a measure: 1640 one halfe land, beinge more than halfe a fleake brode … in the Kyrkefeilde, Ouseburn. It is not uncommon therefore as an element in minor place-names: 1585 Leafleake, Idle
1623 Christopher Sike close called Fleikcliffe, Lepton. The same word was used of shelves and racks, and the inference may be that not all these had solid frames: 1570 One paire of wayne fleycks price xxd, Hutton Conyers
1656 for unjustly taking away a pair of wayne fleaks, Thornton Bridge
1689 2 Shelves and a bread fleake, Barnoldswick. Bread fleak remained in common use into the 1950s at least
it was the creel on which ‘havercakes’ were hung to dry.