1) According to Wright the east Yorkshire farmer called his better room the ‘house’ (EDD), whereas in parts of the West Riding, in terrace houses as well as those which were detached, the ‘house’ was the main room, the one in regular occupation.
The usage can be traced to the seventeenth century: 1618 in the chamber over the house, South Cave
1664 the chamber over the hall or roome called the howse, South Anston. In 1648, the diarist Adam Eyre wrote: I also fetched Thos Milnes and litle Geo. Bray, and removed the tables, ranges, and other things in the house, kitchen, and buttry, into the over parler, Thurlstone. In the same year a mason contracted to provide stones for Foure ranges, and sett the same, viz., one in the kiching, one in the house, one in the parlor and one in the chamber, Halifax.
2) The phrase ‘to go to house with’ meant to take up residence together.
It occurs in a lease granted in 1577 to John Bynnes and his wife Elizabeth, as a condition for and dureinge the life of the said Arthure [Binns] at such tyme as they ... should be mynded to go to house togeather, Thurstonland.
3) Often a reference to an inn or ale-house, especially in connection with a surname for the landlord or landlady.
1630 mett [meet] me tomorrow ... by tenne in the fornoone ... and send me word ... what howse you will be att, Wakefield.
4) As a verb this was to bring the corn or hay under the protection of a roof, that is into the barn or granary.
1648 and then wee howsed the Newfeild, Thurlstone.