
1) A building in which or by which a kiln was located.

1417 the kylne howse of the same Sir John , York

1521 a kilnehouse of x postes that lieth in the laithe and in the gaite house , Pontefract

1558 Ellis my sonne shall haue sex poundes thirteen shillings fower pence for the buldinge of a laythe & fier howsse and a kylne howsse , South Milford

1612 one barn or laithe, one kilne house, one orchard, one gardinge , Brackenthwaite. It was responsible for a number of place-names, e.g. 1502 John Brodehedde de Kilnehousbanke , Holmfirth.

dates 1417 1502 1521 1558 1612

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