1) A basket made of rushes or wands which had a variety of uses but has been most commonly noted in connection with fishing.
1314 ‘Robert Walker 6d for putting a fish lepp in the mill-pond’, Wakefield
1467 machinas voc’ lepes pro kepirz frye, Quarmby
1609 to lay leapes in any brooke to tak trouts in spawning tyme, Hipperholme. Other leaps were used for carrying grain or holding bread: 1423 j lepe facta de virgis, pro grano portando, York
1588 one bread leape, Dalton
1696 one breadlip, Holmfirth. In inventories they feature alongside maunds, scuttles, skeps and the like: 1457-8 In leps et skeps Joh’i Schau, iiijs ijd, Fountains Abbey
1580 payd to stotele [sic] maker for on leape, two wyndo treles & ij stotels iijs, Stockeld
1615 one leape, 8 scuttles, 2 maund’ cost ijs viijd at my doer, Brandsby.