1) An ironstone pit, possibly a later word than ‘oregrave’ but in evidence from the thirteenth century at least.
An undated Byland Abbey charter mentions ‘land in Orpittis between the old forge and Alexander's land’ and an assart in Flockton in the same period had the name Orpitterode. References to similar place-names in Sheffield are probably responsible for the place-name Pittsmoor: 1315 ‘the field del Orepittes',
1655 Suzanna Tingle of Orepitts, Sheffield. Since ‘orepittes’ here named one of the open fields the inference may be that ore had been mined there much earlier than 1315. Other place-names listed by Smith include: 1309 Orepittes in Hemsworth
1403 Orepitt, Ecclesfield.