1) The reckoning or bill, especially one in an ale-house, an obligation discharged.
1640 who having drunck ther wyne and paid ther shott were coming forth, York
1647 I sent to Jo. Wordsworth for my shott to an ale hee had me to for Christopher Batty 1s 6d, Thurlstone
1676 did tender a pewter shilling to Susan Ogden for his shott, Oxenhope
1736 James paid the shott, Meltham.
2) Thrust out or projecting.
1501 his said tenement ther ... which is shot & hyngeth over the ground of the same Ric’ [Thornton] ther by viijth ynchez, York.
3) Of uncertain meaning but descriptive of a process in tanning.
1660 18 hors skinnes shott in the bark, Selby
1720 bought six shott calve skins ... intending to dress the same, Knaresborough.