
1) A term for a cow.

Found several times in church terriers and tithe disputes, where it referred specifically to a cow. In 1743, for example, the Easter dues in Kirkheaton parish included a penny for every strip: the editor took this to be a reference to a strip of ground in the open field but a South Crosland farmer makes the meaning clear in his day book: 1768 If a Cow Renew not within the year She is called A strip

the Town of Marsden by specious [sic] Custom pays Nothing for A strip

in the Almondbury terrier of 1770 it was by special custom. The OED has no examples of the noun but quotes uses of the verb ‘to strip’ from 1610 which point to a connection. It is defined there as ‘to extract the milk remaining in the udder after the normal milking, especially by a particular movement of the hand’. The EDD has similar examples in counties from the midlands to Scotland, the earliest being for the East Riding in 1788. In fact, a tithe dispute takes this use back to 1553 when the Proctor family were farmers of Gargrave vicarage. In a deposition relating to payments for tithe milk Roger Wigglesworth said: the custome in the parishe is that for everie cowe which reneweth … they use to paye ijd. and for everie stripte mylke cowe a penny . It was in use across the county: 1567 two strippe milke kye, Mortham

1664 3 stripmilk kine Ł7 0 0, Elmswell

1672 3 kine, one new calved & 2 stript milked, Selby.

dates 1553 1567 1664 1672 1743 1768

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