1) The tip of an animal’s tail, especially a white tip.
1543 a blake stott with a tage of the tale, Ardsley
1652 two quies, a brouneish black & a blacke with a tacke taile, Gateforth. It was regularly used as a name for oxen and cows: 1515 an oxe called Takke, South Otterington
1543 towe stottes the ane called Raven the other Tagge, Castleford
1558 ij oxen called fedder & tagge, Fairburn. In Wharfedale, by Ella Pontefract and Marie Hartley, the authors quote from the will of Anthony Craven, undated but probably 1617 : one oxe called Tagge to bring me forth to my burial. In rural areas it may also explain the by-name: 1275 Bateman Tagge, Stanley.