1) Regional words for tithe-barn.
First recorded as by-names: 1327 De Johanne Teindebarne, Silpho
1379 Johannes Tendlathe, Leeds
1426 ‘between a barn called Teyndlath ... and a garden’, Askwith
1510 the tend laith is blawne downe ij yers syne, Ampleforth
1527 the town of Semer with the teyndlathe and tenements. Some clerks replaced the regional word with its English equivalent, as in Whitkirk where a tenant’s holding close to the church was called the Tendlathgarth in 1522 and the Tythe Laith Garth the following year. In Almondbury, the barn was referred to as the tithe laith in 1584 whilst in Kirkburton the terrier of 1693 noted the existence of an old Barn, commonly called the Teanlathe or Tithelathe.