Carolyn C. Fenwick, The Poll Taxes of 1377, 1379 and 1381 (Oxford, 2005).

Whole source

arrowsmith back-house backstone bairn barker baxter beast bloomer boardcleaver boardwright cinder hill cutler drive farm ferrour ferryman float fold glassenwright gourder green gate hardfish hebble herd hopshort huckster husband ironhard kendalman kerchief knacker kyrsyn leech lib litster locket make-blithe malthouse maple marler marshal maugh merridew merryman mustard-maker netmaker nought nuthack nutt paliser pampilion pattener pick platesmith ploughwright quarrel quarrier quell rudder sager shalloon shipman shipwright shuttle-maker slaymaker smelter smithyman souter spiking -ster stubber sun-end swineherd sword-sliper task teind-barn theaker tidy tirl tun tup underwood wait walker webster wharrell wheelwright wherreours wood-hewer wool-house woolman wool pack wright


Photo by Kreuzschnabel CC BY-SA 3.0