1) A spelling of ‘trough’ which reflects the regional pronunciation.
1440 In j trow viijd, Northallerton
1490 De j lez grynde-ston, cum j lez troegh, York
1549 one trowe, a worte stone, a maske fatt, Marrick
1568 In the Back Howse ... twoe trowes and twoe bordes 4s, Healaugh
1583 3 trowes of lead ure and two trowes of sande, Grinton. In the cutlery trade the trough held the water that kept the grindstone moist: 1701 Two stones to grinde and two trowes, 4s, Sheffield
1769 one half of all my wheel tools … and one trow at Endcliffe Wheel
1794 the number of trows at each wheel, Sheffield. In 1739 the goodwill of one original grinding trow at Morton Wheel was valued at Ł70. As a verb it meant to form a trough as a drainage channel: 1668 carry a sufficient sough and water-gate through the demised ground … and to leave the same trowed and scoured, Seacroft.