boring rod

1) An iron rod used for making bore-holes.

1816 Thomas Rushton, new boring rods Ł8 0s 0d, Halifax. The implement is said by Professor Nef to have first been used in the coal industry between 1600 and 1615 but it may be that the ensterament [instrument] used by an ironstone getter in 1568 was actually a boring rod. Explicit information dates from 1692 when a new set of rods was ordered in Colsterdale: they were to be 16 fathoms long, with boxes and pins with one yard between every joint … also half a yard and a three quarters rod and a foot rod and three braces for tops … one dozen and a half chizzels, two womble shells, two keys and a screw tapp.

dates 1600-1615 1692 1816

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