1) In the great manor of Wakefield the court baron handled the transfers of land by its tenants, and their registration was considered an essential process. The verb ‘to court’ recorded successful transfers.
1542 all my meases, landes, and tenements ... as by surrenders therof mayde be for tyme, and courtynges her after to be mayde, Halifax
1579 ‘surrender and courtinge seasor’, Horbury
1619 8s rent to make Courting thereof, Holmfirth. The serious nature of the procedure is later explicit: 1731 never found any usage to make surrenders void for not being courted
1735 the surrender if not courted would be like a bell without a clapper, Holmfirth. It was a custom on other manors: 1588 I made a courte surrender of my farmehold, Hampsthwaite.