
1) Grinding is the process in the cutlery trade which smooths a blade to the desired thickness and gives it a cutting edge.

Specialist shear-grinders operated in some major towns from as early as 1345, and scythe-grinding was a distinct occupation from c.1600 at least. For the most part though cutlers and other metal workers rented a seat at a grindstone for a few hours at a time or had their own grindstones on the premises. In 1697, for example, Michael Fox had a smithy with all the usual smithy gear but also possessed axletrees, glazers, stones, a wheelband and certain puleys at the grinding wheel. James Tailior of Heeley divided his real estate between two sons when he made his will in 1554 but James the elder son had his two weles

that is to say, the whele on the Farrside and the whele in the Nooke, whereas Robert was to have one day gryndynge every weeke but was obliged to gyve the said James warnynge on the Sonday what day he will have yt. The first references to the occupation are in York: 1387 Johannes Hunteplace, grynder

Johannes de Catton, grynder. In the south Yorkshire cutlery trade it occurred comparatively late: 1700 Joshua Slacke grinder, Sheffield

1702 fil’ Will’i Blonke grinder, Sheffield.

dates 1387 1554 1697 1700 1702

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Photo by Kreuzschnabel CC BY-SA 3.0