1) To fill the spaces in lines of masonry or brickwork with mortar or cement, applying the point of the trowel.
1391-2 In salar. Willelmi Sklater punctantis super dictam domum per iiij dies, 20d, Ripon. In 1682, the masons who contracted to repair Cottingley Bridge had to point the bridge with good Lime and haire and fill up all the holes in the pavement.
2) Points were the tagged laces or cords which served to fasten garments where buttons are now used.
c.1504 Item vij groys qwyth [white] poyntes ijs iiijd, York. The making of points became a craft in its own right: 1453 Willelmus Lutton, poyntemaker, York
1500 Robertus Gettyns, poyntmaker, York
1597 John Hall, pointemaker, Skelton.