1) A quarter of anything, a measure of numerous commodities, especially wool.
1312-3 Pro ... j quarteroun de maces, Bolton Priory
1399 iij quartron vitri albi empti pro magnis fenestris novi chori, York
1484 a quartron of woll, York
c.1504 iij qwaterons of crules viijd, York
1576 a quartron and a halff of allum vijli xs, Leeds
1605 for five stone and half a quarterne of wooll at 9s 6d a stone, Abbotside
1615 and a quartram of lynges with corde to pack them up in, Brandsby
1622 3 stone of woll lacking quarteron xxiiijs, Cottingley
1686 For a quartron of tobacco, Conistone
1724 nine wharterons of weft, Gomersal. Note: c.1758 the prise the give for spinning weft ... is never above 10d a walltron that is 6 pound, Wakefield.