Manor of Wakefield court roll, 1467
Manor of Wakefield court roll, 1472
Manor of Wakefield court roll, 1490
Manor of Wakefield court roll, 1491
Manor of Wakefield court roll, 1495
Manor of Wakefield court roll, 1497
Manor of Wakefield court roll, 1502
Manor of Wakefield court roll, 1515
Manor of Wakefield court roll, 1516
Manor of Wakefield court roll, 1635
Manor of Wakefield court rolls, 1421
Manor of Wakefield court rolls, 1437
Manor of Wakefield court rolls, 1439
Manuscripts formerly held by the Yorkshire Archaeological Society
Map of the manor of Tong, 1725
Map of two Spring Woods in township of Hunsworth and parish of Birstall, 1711
Maps consulted in Huddersfield Public Library:
Margaret Duckenfield's rental, for lands at Tong, 1590-1632
Margaret Pinchbeck's deposition in her own case, 29 October 1671
Margaret Wade's deposition in the case of Anne Greene, 16 February 1653/4
Market searchers, 11 August 1666
Mary and Margaret Freeman's Colne Valley collection.
Mary Davison's deposition in the case of Luke Wetherhead and Robert Sanderson, 28 February 1666/7
Mary Higham, 'Lead Mining in Bowland', in Old West Riding vol. 9 (1989)
Mary Midgeley's deposition in the case of Elizabeth Crosley and others, 31 December 1646
Mary Moor's deposition in the case of Susanna Hinchcliffe and Anne Shillitoe, 26 August 1674
Material found in local and family history items on the internet.
Matrimonial cause paper: John Trayleweng c. John Jackson, 1348
Maud Sellers (ed.), The York Mercers and Merchant Adventurers 1356-1917 (Durham, 1918).
Maud Sellers (ed.), The York Mercers and Merchant Adventurers 1356-1917 (Durham, 1918), p. 205
Maunby manor court roll, 1580-1584
M.C. Gill, ‘The Grassington Mines’, British Mining, vol. 46 (Keighley, 1993).
Memo between Mr John Copley of Batley Hall and William Harrison, 1 May 1644
Memorandum and inventory of Ralfe Scotson, Grinton, 1590
Memorandum book of Richard Cholmeley of Brandsby 1602-1623
Memorandum book of Richard Cholmeley of Brandsby 1602-1659
Memorandum book of Sir Henry Cholmeley and Henry Tempest, c. 1640
Memorandum Book of Thomas Swynton, 1446-1460
Memorandum books of John Brearley, 1757-1762
Memorandum by John Renshaw on trustee-appointed manager of mine, October-November 1682
Memorandum concerning deals fetched from Norway and delivered at Scarborow, 13 January 1700
Memorandum of exchange of lands in Whitley, 1437-1438
M. Hambrecht (ed.), Aliases from the Dean and Chapter's Court, York 1417-1794
M. Hartley & J. Ingilby, Dales Memories (Keighley, 1986).
Mickleton manor court roll, 1453
Middleton and combined manors 4 April 1594
Minutes of the Paving Committee, Huddersfield Borough