1) As a verb ‘to set’ was used in a general sense when the location of a new pit had been decided on.
1704 setting a Coale Mine a foot, Farnley
1718 drinke at pitt setting, Farnley
1754 setting the pitt 2s, Beeston. Once the exact site had been confirmed the pit was ‘set out’, which is likely to mean that stakes or other markers were placed in the ground where sinking was to take place. It was another occasion for colliers to receive free ale: 1713 the setting out of the new pittstead, Shibden.
2) To mark trees in a way that made it clear to workmen which should be felled and which should be left standing.
1704 as many straight poles fit for standing as will make the same Lordings and Blackbarks … to be chosen and set out by his servants, Bradley
1719 Timber Trees now Allready marked and sett out to be felled, North Bierley
1746-7 Mr Goodall for Valueing and setting out Lepton Wood
1766 All such Trees & Polls as are set out to be felled in three Spring Woods in Quarmby.