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An unusual by-name or surname which remains unexplained.
places York
dates 1259

Usually a sluice or floodgate.
dates 1539 1540 1615 1711 1740 1749

From the seventeenth century at least it was a custom among workmen generally to club together when purchasing drink, and the noun 'club' can be compared in such contexts with the modern ‘kitty’.
dates 1700 1715 1725

Miscellaneous objects, clutter.

Originally used for charcoal as well as for the 'stone' extracted from underground and used as fuel.
dates 1292 1304 1371 1457 1466 1638 1709

The bed of coal was a layer or stratum of coal and the term is much older than has been implied.
dates 1581 1591 1665 1694 1713

Someone who carried coals, presumably to customers.
places Shelf
dates 1601

A place where ‘coal’ might be procured.
places Mirfield
dates 1668

A horse used regularly to transport loads of coal.
places Batley
dates 1490

An outhouse in which coal might be stored.
places Crigglestone
dates 1516

A word used for a man who had to do with coal, possibly as a landowner.
places Thurstonland
dates 1659

The OED has examples from 1613 and gives it the same meaning as coal-pit and colliery.
dates 1369-1370 1486 1538 1541 1543 1548 1567 1659 1702

In the seventeenth century, used not only for a collier but also for an owner of a coal-miner.
dates 1686 1699

The tools needed to work the coal seam.
dates 1576 1686 1713 1815 1840

Could refer to places where charcoal was burned, but often context makes it clear that they were also places where coal was mined.
dates 1323 1357 1497 1502 1527 1659 1672 1763 1795

Once a common place-name.
places Hemsworth
dates 1331

Ropes are mentioned frequently in coal-mining records.
dates 1700 1718 1767 1780

A ship carrying coal.
places Bridlington
dates 1541-1542

A wain or wagon used for transporting coal.
dates 1584 1614 1620 1624

Presumably half a hide of coarse or rough leather.
places Keighley
dates 1615

A vest of rich material embroidered with heraldic devices, worn by knights over their armour.
places Swillington
dates 1379

A small, rounded stone suitable for paving highways.
dates 1592

One whose occupation is to mend shoes.
places Amotherby York
dates 1301 1422 1490 1582

There seems to be some uncertainty about the exact meaning of this word which has been said to be a kind of ‘knobbed’ andiron or one of the irons on which a spit turns (OED).
dates 1451 1485 1554 1570 1577

A sea-fishing boat with a flat bottom, characteristic of the north-east coast.
dates 1420 1527-1528 1540 1542 1550 1624

A mariner aboard a coble.
places Scarborough
dates 1650-1651

A rare spelling of cushion.

A conical pile or heap of hay.
places Grinton Sessay
dates 1549 1787

A small ship’s boat, also called a cock-boat.
dates 1390 1505

A word found in Middle English which referred to ‘an imaginary country of luxury and idleness’ (OED).

A discharge note given by a custom house officer to show that duty had been paid.
places Hull
dates 1453 1457

Apparently a woodland glade where nets were placed in order to trap birds such as the woodcock.
places Bradley Brandsby
dates 1549 1617 1618-1619

Probably a display site for blackgrouse or black cocks.
dates 1189 1240 1305 1471 1601 1605 1618

A verb, used to describe wrinkled or creased material.
places Wakefield
dates 1760

A broad glade in a wood, through which woodcocks might ‘shoot’, so as to be caught in nets stretched across the opening.
dates 1473-1474 1576-1577

The spur of the domestic cock, that is the sharp projection on its tarsus.
dates 1284 1314 1315

Possibly equivalent to hay-wain.
places Lepton
dates 1655

spellings codd
The scrotum.
places Elmswell Selby
dates 1642 1675

A pillow or cushion.
dates 1396 1451 1509 1546 1588

One of the metal bearings of an axle, especially with reference to church bells.
places Ripon Richmond
dates 1379-1380 1400 1425

spellings coal-fish
A young or small cod.
places Whitby Cowlam
dates 1297 1396

This was a bagged appendage to the front of a man’s close-fitting hose or breeches, a feature of style from the fifteenth to the seventeenth century.
places Selby
dates 1663

A regional word for pillow-case.
dates 1525 1559 1598 1611 1657


A wooden cabin or hut built over the shaft of a lead-mine, used to store ore and tools.
places Grassington
dates 1642

spellings cog boat
This was a sea-going boat in earlier times. However, most Yorkshire references are later and point to it as the name of a small vessel, one that was used on the inland waterways or towed behind a larger vessel. In some respects it may have been used interchangeably with cock or cock-boat.
places York Selby
dates 1333 1457 1475 1683

To plough for the purpose of breaking up the clods and making the ground smoother and finer (EDD).
sources Denison papers
dates 1755

The name given to a kind of cloth, which was presumably made in Coggeshall in Essex originally.
dates 1300 1394

spellings quoif
A type of cap, usually for a woman, to be worn indoors or under a bonnet.
dates 1622 1699

From Old French ‘coillart’, a word meaning ram.
places Wakefield
dates 1297

spellings coiner
To coin was to mint coins, and that was a lawful process but the word in Yorkshire often has to do with illegal coining, the making of counterfeit coins.
places York
dates 1484 1532

The solid substance left after mineral coal has been deprived of its volatile constituents.
dates 1560 1737

A craftsman who works iron in its cold state.

spellings colrake
An implement used for raking the cinders out from an oven or from beneath a fire grate.
dates 1399 1410 1570 1621 1676 1739 1835

An alternative spelling of calgarth.
dates 1465

Photo by Kreuzschnabel CC BY-SA 3.0